Here's your SMART Portfolio
Enter your email address and we'll send you a copy if you wish to review your SMART portfolio at a later date.
How can we help you ?
Your SMART Portfolio will be built and managed using our unique Cyborg methodology by our investment managers according to your investment service and risk profile.
We utilise a unique Cyborg approach in managing our SMART Portfolios. Our proprietary SMART Algorithm was created in-house by the Principal Data Scientist to digest more than 1000 data points daily, at a breath and depth that cannot be simply interpreted at a human level, picking up robust and actionable signals. Strict position limits for risk management are put in place to ensure optimisation for investment performance. These data are provided to our Chief Investment Officer and Investment Team who will then utilise their wealth of industry experience and expertise to make the final decisions for the portfolios.
For SMART Portfolio General Investing services, it primarily invests in a diversified portfolio of Unit Trusts across geographical regions, countries and industry sectors.
For SMART Portfolio US Equity service, it invests 100% in a portfolio of various direct US stocks.
Yes, you have direct ownership of the funds and/or shares in your name.
Your portfolio holdings are diversified into various asset classes, regions, countries or sectors. The underlying Unit Trusts and other funds are also diversified through their holdings of many underlying securities.
You can view your portfolio online 24/7 via:
Your SMART portfolio will be rebalanced as and when necessary according to the investment managers’ view of the prevailing market conditions.
Yes, you will receive monthly statements via Phillip Wealth Management website here.
Yes, you may invest in more than one SMART portfolio and each portfolio will require a separate online application and risk profiling.
No. Your SMART portfolio is managed at the discretion of our investment managers to achieve optimal asset allocation based on your risk profile. The optimal asset allocation may be adversely impacted if we allow our account holders to add, replace or sell off any of the individual funds held in their SMART portfolios.
The SMART Portfolio performance is posted on the "Our Portfolios" page, under the "Portfolio Performance" section.
The Composite Performance is denominated in SGD. Composite Performance returns (the “Composite Returns”) for periods more than 1 year are annualised. The Composite Returns represent past performance and is not indicative of future or current performance which may be higher or lower. The Composite Returns are based on unaudited results of the composite which comprises of client accounts with invested portfolios that have been aligned with the investment mandate of this managed account service and include reinvestment of dividends and income and, is net of all fees except performance fees (if any) which are included only at year end. Individual portfolios returns may vary from the Composite Returns. There may be client accounts with portfolios that have not been aligned with this investment mandate and are not included in the computation of the Composite Returns.
Yes. We understand that one's risk appetite can change over time.
If you are looking to lower your risk profile (e.g. R3 to R2, or R2 to R1), you will need to:
1. Download and complete the Service Conversion Form
2. Email a scanned copy or clear photo of the completed form to
If you are looking to increase your risk profile (e.g. R1 to R2, or R2 to R3), you will need to:
1. Download and complete the Service Conversion Form AND Client Suitability Assessment*
2. Email a scanned copy or clear photo of both the completed forms to
* Note that the result of the Client Suitability Assessment must tally with the desired risk profile. Should the result of the Client Suitability Assessment reflect a lower risk profile than the preferred risk profile, you will not be eligible for the service conversion.