

    Invest for your future
    & financial freedom

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Why SMART Portfolio

Stress-free Investing

Put your investments on autopilot with expert management and periodic rebalancing on your portfolio.

Start Small,Grow Big

Begin your investment journey with just S$300 and enjoy low management fee starting from 0.5% p.a.

Monitor fromyour Fingertips

Access and track your portfolio anytime, anywhere

Hear from our Clients

Phillip SMART Portfolio features

Phillip SMART Portfolio is an investment service that matches a best-fit portfolio based on your online risk analysis. Let us help you take control of your investments and grow your wealth.

Online Risk Assessment

An online risk assessment to help you decide your investment style.

Our Portfolios

We build a diversified portfolio for you.

Periodic Rebalancing

Our portfolio managers periodically rebalances across asset classes and reduces volatility to help your investment growth.


Online access to your portfolio holdings.

Stress-free Investing

It takes time to study the market, choose the right investments and rebalance your

Low Fees

Fees matter. Over time, even small fees can make a big dent in your bottom line.

How do we invest ?

Investing on your own is tough. Just ask those who have tried and failed to beat the market. Fortunately,
SMART Portfolio have the expertise, technology and people to help.

Our People

Our investment team uses both Top-Down and Bottom-Up approach paired with transparency in the investment world. Our experience stretches macro-economics analysis, market analysis, country specialist, UT specialist, fundamental and technical analysis, access to regional research network across a range of investments.

The right portfolio for you

All our portfolio are designed to bring you closer to your life goals,
Whether it's a retirement in the sun or a modest starter home.

SMART Portfolio
SMART Portfolio
Income & Growth
SMART Portfolio
SMART Portfolio
US Equity

Taking care of your journey

Are you too busy to monitor the markets? Or have you been burnt by the markets, worried about whether you are managing your wealth appropriately? Worry less and let us manage your investment for you.

I am ready!